Bottle-Less Water Coolers

If you've been buying bottled water because you are concerned about your water quality, we have a solution that will give you crystal clear water and save you money. You'll have:

  • Pure, fresh-tasting water for only pennies a gallon
  • Ice cold and steaming hot water (includes safety lock) from one unit
  • No heavy bottles to handle
  • No empty bottles to store and return

We install and maintain systems for homes and businesses!

How the system works:

Your system is connected to your water source. As the water enters, it passes through four independent filters, and ultraviolet light disinfection before dispensing:

  1. Sediment Filter
  2. Activated Charcoal Filter
  3. Micro-Filtration
  4. Activated Charcoal Filter
  5. Ultraviolet Light Disinfection

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